The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education's Mbambangwe High School recently launched a Science Laboratory, a project sponsored by Sapref a chemical company based in Durban.
The team was led by Sapref Managing Director, Mr Rodney Youldon, who confirmed that Mbambangwe High School was one of 21 schools that was identified as an under resourced school, that was producing good results and his company was compelled to favour the school with a state-of-the-art Science Laboratory.
This project will assist science stream learners to couple theoretical work with practical work both in Physical Sciences and Life Sciences and this will surely improve their performance in these subjects thus improving school results in all Grades, but specifically in the Matric Examinations Results.
This historic official opening was graced by the presence of the DOE uMlazi District Director, Mrs Busi Mahlambi, Mr Lucky Mthetho from the Office of the DDG-KZN DOE, Mr Myeni from the Office of the MEC, DOE, Mr Mthoko Mzobe from KwaThoyano Traditional Council who was representing Inkosi Hlengwa who couldn't attend due to ill health, Local Izinduna, SGB members and 5 top students from Mbambangwe High School.
The school had an unpleasant history, which almost led to its closure, because learners were embroiled in thuggery, gangsterism, smoking and no culture of learning and teaching.
Teachers were disempowered, unmotivated and that led to the school achieving a 23% pass rate in the 2015 Matric Examinations.
With the arrival of Mr Xulu as the new principal of the school in 2016 the situation changed under his command and the school started a turnaround, clocking a 92% pass rate in last year's Matric Examinations.
In his address, the Principal, Mr Xulu pledged to achieve a 100% Matric Examinations pass in the 2024 Academic Year with the launch of this new school laboratory.
He urged the Department of Education to grant Mbambangwe High School a Smart School Status and that more classes be built as the enrolment of learners attending is increasing immensely.
The event was historic and learners were very much excited with the school RCL President, Learner Ntandoyenkosi, who delivered a resounding speech that captured the audience with rapt attention.
Venue: Mbambangwe High School, uMlazi District
Date: 05 December 2023